Monday, June 30, 2008
We've got the dog - Now What?

Saturday, June 28, 2008
Dash and Splash
Thursday, June 26, 2008
An Interesting Podcast
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
People Are Noticing
Amid this little joyous moment the summertime school principal approached me and admonished me for having a dog on campus. I apologized and quickly removed Tim and Charlie from the lawn and loaded the crew into the car.
I'll admit that I stewed a bit on the way home but I understand her position and I really don't want to be one of those annoying dog people who thinks that the rules don't apply to them (although it's easy to forget that with the WONDERDOG. Eventually Charlie will be certified for full public access but until then he's just an assistance dog in training and is not technically accorded full access.) By the time I got home, I was over it and just determined to leave Charlie home for future pick ups.
Shortly after arriving home, the phone rang and the caller ID indicated it was the School District calling. Oh boy, I thought, here we go. (In my house, calls from the school district are never good news.) I answered and it was Tim's summer school teacher - a woman I'd only known for less than 2 days. She explained that she was so excited by Tim's response to Charlie at pick up time, and so disappointed by the principal's position on dogs, that she had taken it upon herself to reach out to another autism teacher in our district to figure out a plan to use Charlie in working toward Tim's language goals. Together they devised a plan where I will bring Charlie to edge of school property and she will walk Tim out to us about 10 minutes before school ends so that we can all have a mini language session, facilitated by her, where Tim talks about Charlie. After I got over the shock of such a positive call from the school, I was thrilled.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Charlie & Keira Take on Manhattan
The Protocol of P**
At the risk of delving into what might be considered vulgar territory, I need to ponder a bit about some of the less desirable attributes of dog ownership. While walking Charlie late on a lovely Northern California evening, he stopped for a "constitutional" right on the sidewalk. Of course I was prepared for this (I pride myself on being a very responsible dog owner.) Certainly no one argues that in the event of a #2 stop it befalls on the owner to remove the offensive matter. However after attending to Charlie's product that lovely night, I found myself wondering is there a protocol for pee?
Sunday, June 22, 2008
What Does an Autism Dog Do?
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Charlie's Trip to Santa Cruz ... sort of ....