Monday, June 23, 2008

The Protocol of P**

At the risk of delving into what might be considered vulgar territory, I need to ponder a bit about some of the less desirable attributes of dog ownership.  While walking Charlie late on a lovely Northern California evening, he stopped for a "constitutional" right on the sidewalk.  Of course I was prepared for this (I pride myself on being a very responsible dog owner.)  Certainly no one argues that in the event of a #2 stop it befalls on the owner to remove the offensive matter.  However after attending to Charlie's product that lovely night, I found myself wondering is there a protocol for pee?  

Although he's been with us less than a month, I have found myself in the vexing circumstance where my angelic dog suddenly squats on a neighbor's lawn.  I must shamefully admit that I typically mutter various encouragements to hurry along and then scurry out of the area as quickly as possible.  Is there a critical step here that I'm missing?  Am I obligated to carry some type of squirt bottle to alleviate the inevitable circle of burned out grass that follows a visit from a dog?  Please comment if you have advice on this.  


Shannon and Cameron said...

My advice... don't get a dog. Only kidding, I love you Charlied.

Anonymous said...

Remind me to talk to you about this at our next session! My dogs know that they can only go on command in public while on leash. We should get Charlie to this level!