Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Teaching Moments

Every day we have with Charlie seems to present another opportunity to teach Tim some type of life skill or concept.  Lately some of our most poignant teaching moments have been related to the concept of responsibility for another being.  

We've been trying to talk to Tim about taking caring for others and treating people with respect.  Recently we've opted to broaden this concept to include the routine care of his pal Charlie. 

Then he turned to Charlie, looked him in the eyes and said, "OK Charlie."  And then the dog happily gorged himself in that inimitable golden retriever way.

At first I thought that this was going to be a one time event and that the novelty of being the dog feeder would quickly wear off but I've been pleasantly surprised by his consistent attendance to this duty each night (I still feed Charlie in the morning.)   Aside from the positive impact this little routine has on Tim & Charlie's relationship, I'm really pleased with Tim's understanding of the need to take care of Charlie.  (Those of you in the A Club can certainly appreciate the difficulty in teaching compassion and empathy to an ASD kid.)  I can't wait until I can teach him about the responsibility of cleaning up after his dog!


Anonymous said...

wow, Charlie and Tim!!!

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