Remember this post about the annoying pee spots? And then remember my dear friend from Virginia who suggested the special biscuits that allegedly neutralized the nuclear power of Charlie's tinkle? I still love my friend to pieces but the dog biscuits ....
Anyway, I had just completed my non-scientific trial of the $10 biscuits when, through the power of the internet (and Kris Jones, the woman who makes those HILARIOUS cards) I was "virtually" introduced to Cory Sonnen. Turns out that Cory Sonnen just happens to own a grass seed company that just happens to make a product designed for this very irritating problem!
Cory was kind enough to send me a sample of his product, K-9 Yard Patch and suggested that we give it a whirl. He explained that the problem we're experiencing is due to the fact that there is something in Charlie's pee that changes the Ph level in the soil where he voids. Since he routinely voids in the same spot, the Ph is all out of whack and grass simply can't grow there.
The K-9 Patch product is sprinkled over the burned out spot and watered just like you'd water your regular lawn. I won't pretend to fully understand the chemistry of this stuff but from what I understand the powdery substance contains both a Ph balancer and some grass seed to get the grass growing once the soil's Ph is corrected.
When the box arrived from Cory, Andy ripped that package out and started sprinkling it on all the brown spots in the yard. Then we waited.
I admit: I was skeptical. (Sorry Cory.)
But, check this out:
That there is new grass growing in the formerly burned out Charlie spot. HALLELUJAH! This stuff worked exactly as Cory said it would - and I'll tell you, we were pretty certain that nothing was going to grow in those spots ever again.
Oh, and one other thing, this little company uses only environmentally safe ingredients in all their products. That means you're not messing with Mother Nature when you're repairing Fido's damage. Saving the earth and my turf - I LOVE THAT!
So, here's a big shout out to Cory Sonnen at K-9 Yard Patch and a hearty 4 paws up rating from Charlie (and his gardeners!)
Oh, and don't forget, if you're looking for Charlie's other reviews, make sure to stop by his review site to see what's new.