Monday, August 11, 2008

The Bonding Continues

So we took Tim and Charlie for a hike this weekend at the Sunol Regional Wilderness Park to see how well they would both do.  Typically when we hike we let Tim ride in a converted bike trailer but this was a bit of a test to see just how far he'd go without the aid of the cart.   Much to our pleasure, he hiked like a trooper and I'm confident that his buddy Charlie is, in part, responsible for his motivation.

It turned out to be a great hike with a half-way turnaround point of a lovely little waterfall.  The boys ambled all the way down the "cliff" (with me trailing much less confidently behind) and spent a good part of the afternoon splashing around in the pools at the bottom of the falls.

As usual, Charlie was a great companion and followed Tim all through the pools and stream.   On the hike back when everyone was hot, tired and almost cranky,  Charlie kept Tim going by running with him down the trails back to our car.  It was a great day and so fun to see the pleasure that Tim and Charlie derive from being together.


DMV47 said...

Wonderful! I checked out the link and saw that it was but a hop, skip, and a jump...more like a leap, actually...away from our home! Which trail did you take?

DMV47 said...

Hey Carolyn! I responded to your comment on my page. I'm a newbie at this, but discovered that it would be esier for you (and me) to just respond directly to comments on the same page, without having to navigate away from the original post page. i just click on the box that says "Email follow-up comments..." so I know if you've responded or not. (if you already know this, I really am the only one dorky enough to still be in the dark! *LOL*)

Anonymous said...

I love this last pic. It reminds me of the pic taken years ago of Tim with the white fluffy dog peaking over the brick fence. I like being albe to see how "my" little man is doing!